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In our increasingly divided world, Sharing the Mission (STM) seeks to bridge cultures and borders to convey the good news of Jesus' global kingdom.

To this end, STM provides ways for people in North America to become partners with indigenous West African missionaries in their efforts to reveal Jesus' kingdom in their region - by word and deed. By joining with these deeply committed Christians in their often dangerous work, we demonstrate our unity and are mutually encouraged to make Jesus known wherever we live. We're not just looking for donors, we're looking for partners.

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"The doors of opportunity in West Africa are open now."


Why West Africa? While it is beautiful and rich in culture and natural resources, West Africa struggles with a complex history of exploitation and political turmoil - often leading to poverty and violence. Quick Facts.

Four reasons why North American Christians should join with West African missionaries now: 

  1. Persecution – Christian martyrdom is more frequent in Nigeria than anywhere else in the world, with other West African nations not far behind. Learn more.
  2. Poverty – By every measure, West Africa is one of the poorest regions in the world. Learn more.
  3. Opportunity – The increasing political instability in West Africa, and the incursion of Islamist militants makes the future of West Africa tenuous. The doors are open now. Learn more.
  4. It's What Christians Do  – Christians have a long history of assisting our brothers and sisters in need, even when they are far away. Learn more.
Map of West Africa
Click on map to zoom in.
Map by mapswire.com CC-BY4.0.


As a sign of Jesus’ global kingdom, STM works to foster human relationships across cultural and national boundaries. While forming such relationships may seem daunting, we have personally grown and been enriched by these experiences and believe they are well worth the effort. To that end, we have made the following strategic decisions:

  • We share in missions that are co-funded by African believers and churches. This ensures that we are following the lead of our African partners when providing support in their region.
  • We prioritize building the two-way street of cross-cultural relationships by promoting direct and routine communication between North Americans and their African missionary partners. Sharing personal stories, hopes and prayers with each other leads to mutual understanding and preserves the dignity of both parties. We find that we each have something to contribute to the other and that while our circumstances may be very different, those differences offer opportunities to be inspired and to grow in our faith and practice. Learn more.
  • STM works with African Christian organizations to identify effective missionaries who are in need of support beyond what they have already raised from local African partners. Their mission organization submits grants to us on their behalf and those we approve, we offer to our North American partners.
  • We provide opportunities to share in mission minded outreach projects and provide donors with detailed updates as those projects progress. Donors know exactly what their gifts are being used for and what has resulted. We believe this leads to specific and consistent prayer for God’s blessing and greater engagement with the work. Jesus commissioned his followers not only to announce his kingdom but to do good, to restore, to heal and look after the poor, widows and fatherless - so there are many good things waiting to be done in West Africa. Learn more.

We're not just looking for donors, we're looking for partners.

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Photos & Video: ©Azigbo Dafe Samuel, ©AMEN, or ©Sharing the Mission - all used by permission. More info

©Sharing the Mission 2024
Map of West Africa